TRAining done right
All of us have to compete in life, be it sports or life itself. We all have a why, some of us just don’t know ours yet. Our why at The GRIT is to inspire athletes to reach their full potential in sports and in life, to make an impact, and be the change they want to see in the world.
Here at The GRIT we offer something that is rare in our society and that is PASSION. Every set and every rep we do in our program is to get your mindset and game to a whole new level RELENTLESSLY! We are committed to your excellence. If you have read this far, then we know you are ready to begin your process and discover your why. Our training is light years beyond our competitors for a number of reasons: our coaches unique and highly accredited experiences within the field, attention to detail, commitment to excellence and PASSION.
the sports performance experience
Here are just a few methods of our :
We place a large emphasis on doing bodyweight progressions with exercises until an athlete is able to do them correctly.
In order to get the most out of a program the athlete needs to train single leg and single arm exercises to develop stability and increased core strength.
This training will help your body learn to create and absorb force dynamically to improve performance and decrease your risk of injury.
speed &
Movement skills focused on speed techniques that are specific to your goal or sport. These drills and exercises will help you develop linear speed, lateral speed, as well as multidirectional speed.
Our core is everywhere. It is a system of local and global stabilizing muscle groups ranging from hips, torso, and shoulders. We place a large emphasis on attacking our training from the core out
strength &
It’s not just about increasing the strength of your larger muscles.It improves stabilizing strength, which supports proper alignment, movement patterns, energy transfer, and helps to reduce injuries.
Each of these are interdependent on one another. Take away the foundation, and it becomes difficult to build muscle strength or produce power. Stop working on mobility, and you have less room to build strength through the full range of motion.
join us
Increase Accountability
Individualized Program Design
Reduce Body Fat and Lose Weight
Increase Energy
Increase Stamina and Flexibility
Better Balance and Mobility
Enhance work and sports performance